#This solid safety cover system comes with Pull-Tite commercial grade springs, installation rod, anchor key and storage bag. This cover is nearly 50-Percent lighter than solid covers for easier installation, removal and storage. Made from a unique weave of polypropylene mesh that blocks out algae producing UV rays, making spring time opening a snap. Tight mesh construction allows water to drain from the surface. Filtering out dirt, leaves and debris. Super strong for greater tear resistance and winter wearability; Excellent for commercial or residential use. Meets or exceeds safety cover performance standards as set forth in ASTM F 1346-91. US Patent No 6,886,187. It comes with 15-year limited manufacturer warranty.
GLI ProMesh 20 FT X 40 FT Rectangular Safety Cover System with 4 FT X 8 FT Center End Step, Green .
FeaturesGLI ProMesh Actual Cover Size 22-Feet by 42-Feet Rectangular Safety Cover System with 4-Feet by 10-Feet Center End Step, GreenTight mesh construction allows water to drain from the surface; filtering out dirt, leaves and debrisMade from a unique weave of polypropylene mesh that blocks out algae producing UV rays, making spring time opening a snapNearly 50-Percent lighter than solid covers for easier installation, removal and storageSuper strong for greater tear resistance and winter wearability; excellent for commercial or residential use GLI ProMesh 20 FT X 40 FT Rectangular Safety Cover System with 4 FT X 8 FT Center End Step, Green?
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