Hero H07 Folding Display Panel with Backlit Header and Curved Edges Front Color: Premier - Electric Red, Back Color: Premier - Cinder

Hero H07 Folding Display Panel with Backlit Header and Curved Edges Front Color: Premier - Electric Red, Back Color: Premier - Cinder

H07-+Premier R11Premier R15 Front Color: Premier - Electric Red, Back Color: Premier - Cinder Features: -Backlit header for a formal look.-Curved edges for a smooth feel.-Transportation and break down is simple; just fold and go. Color/Finish: -Choice of 17 fabric colors. Specifications: -4 individual panels with fabric on both sides. Dimensions: -Overall dimensions: 47.5'' H x 88'' W x 18'' D.

Hero H07 Folding Display Panel with Backlit Header and Curved Edges Front Color: Premier - Electric Red, Back Color: Premier - Cinder

Product By : Orbus Inc.

Hero H07 Folding Display Panel with Backlit Header and Curved Edges Front Color: Premier - Electric Red, Back Color: Premier - Cinder .


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