Canby Sumter Medicine Cabinet, Tallboy, Cinnamon, Right Hinge, Concealed Hinge, Wall Mount

Searching for the best reviews Canby Sumter Medicine Cabinet, Tallboy, Cinnamon, Right Hinge, Concealed Hinge, Wall Mount? Congratulations! Update check prices and customer reviews Canby Sumter Medicine Cabinet, Tallboy, Cinnamon, Right Hinge, Concealed Hinge, Wall Mount include product reviews and more satisfactory Specs, features and services check it out!

#The Sumter Tallboy Medicine Cabinets by Canby feature an extra tall design, utilizing normally unused wall space to offer superior storage potential. Constructed from solid wood, these Sumter cabinets sport White laminate interiors with adjustable shelves, and mount to your walls with your choice of surface or recessed options. Measuring 20" W x 4" D x 42" H, these cabinets include ¼" beveled mirrors, right or left hand concealed or visible hinges, and are available in 10 beautiful finishes: White, Country Pine, Golden Oak, Traditional Mahogany, American Walnut, Coffee Bean, Cinnamon, Traditional Cherry, Rich Cherry and Unfinished. Make the most of your bathroom with one of these amazing storage cabinets from Canby.

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Canby Sumter Medicine Cabinet, Tallboy, Cinnamon, Right Hinge, Concealed Hinge, Wall Mount .


Canby Sumter Medicine Cabinet, Tallboy, Cinnamon, Right Hinge, Concealed Hinge, Wall Mount?

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