Ohaus D50QL Defender Square Bench Base 100 LB/50 KG Capacity

Searching for the best Ohaus D50QL Defender Square Bench Base 100 LB/50 KG Capacity; Congratulations! Check the specifications, features and feedback from customer feedback include price controls and information more satisfactory Ohaus D50QL Defender Square Bench Base 100 LB/50 KG Capacity product reviews!

Ohaus Defender NTEP Certified Washdown Square Bench Scale Base Building on the success of the Champ series of bench scales the new Ohaus Defender bases offer two levels of durability for the most demanding industrial applications. For standard industrial applications the Defender Square Washdown bases offer the same folded and welded steel plate construction found in the popular Champ and Champ II series. These bases can be used for both general applications as well as where legal-for-trade performance is required. For basic use where budget is more of an issue. Washdown models offer durable welded tubular steel construction for economical yet durable performance. NTEP Certified. Featuring four rugged externally visible level bubble and adjustable non-slip leveling feet. For quick cleaning all bases come with removable stainless steel pans. Defender square washdown bases feature all stainless steel construction pans basework and loadcells For added durability all loadcells are protected to IP67 against water and condensation. Weld/fold steel plate base. load-unload cycle tested to ensure long-term performance. 150% Safe Overload Capacity. Construction: 304 stainless steel pan and frame weld/fold steel plate base stainless steel IP67 loadcell

Ohaus D50QL Defender Square Bench Base 100 LB/50 KG Capacity

Product By : Ohaus

Ohaus D50QL Defender Square Bench Base 100 LB/50 KG Capacity


  • capacity: 50 kg
  • readability: 5 g
  • NTEP Resolution: 1:5
  • NTEP capacity x Certified readability: 50 kg x 0.01 kg / 100 lb x 0.02 lb
  • Load Cell capacity: 100 kg
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