10' Modern Double-Sided Bike Rack (Holds 18 Bikes)

10' Modern Double-Sided Bike Rack (Holds 18 Bikes)

Modern Bike Racks are manufactured with heavy-gauge steel for long life, but with a contemporary design. Bike rack is double-sided, 10 feet long, with a capacity of 18 bikes. Main framework and horizontal rack rails are manufactured with 1 5/8" high-tensile galvanized steel pipe with end caps. Vertical rack rails are made of 12" diameter hot-dipped galvanized solid steel electrically welded to the horizontal rails. Finish is painted with a durable outdoor aluminum enamel to withstand environmental elements. Bright zinc-plated fasteners included. 1 Year Warranty.

There is no actual image of this item. The image shown is representative only. The actual item will be 10' long and hold 18 bikes.

10' Modern Double-Sided Bike Rack (Holds 18 Bikes)

Product By : Gared

10' Modern Double-Sided Bike Rack (Holds 18 Bikes) .


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