Floor Pad, SoftFloors, Navy Blue, 34' x 48' Set, Total Sq. Ft.:1632

Looking for Floor Pad, SoftFloors, Navy Blue, 34' x 48' Set, Total Sq. Ft.:1632 Great Deals, Online shopping, Floor Pad, SoftFloors, Navy Blue, 34' x 48' Set, Total Sq. Ft.:1632 Read Product Review, Features, Specs, Description, Check Prices Update & More satisfactory for this item reviews! Floor Pad, SoftFloors, Navy Blue, 34' x 48' Set, Total Sq. Ft.:1632

Floor Pad, SoftFloors, Navy Blue, 34' x 48' Set, Total Sq. Ft.:1632The most comfortable and affordable flooring you can buy for Residential or Commercial or Industrial applications. SoftFloors are a closed cell EVA Foam Rubber that is Lighweight, Portable, Waterproof, Soundproof, Aerobic, Shock Absorbent, Insulating, etc. Components: Corner: 4, Border: 74, Inside: 330 Packaging information: Total Pieces: 408, Total Cartons: 17, Full Cartons (25 pcs): 16, Full Carton Weight (lbs.): 31.25, Partial Carton (Total Pieces): 8, Partial Carton (Product photo may not exactly match the product offered for sale. Please refer to the product description.

Floor Pad, SoftFloors, Navy Blue, 34' x 48' Set, Total Sq. Ft.:1632
Product By : Alessco

Floor Pad, SoftFloors, Navy Blue, 34' x 48' Set, Total Sq. Ft.:1632 #.

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